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PEACE AND GOODWILL - The Christian Mission

Writer: Monica Bennett-RyanMonica Bennett-Ryan

God's people bring PEACE and GOODWILL!

While the world rages, spewing out hatred, violence, malice, dishonour, destruction and fear, Christ calls mankind to a better way.

He calls people to live in the opposite spirit. Instead of hatred - forgiveness. Instead of violence - kindness. Instead of malice - gratitude. Instead of dishonour - assistance. Instead of destruction - restoration. Instead of fear - love.

He showed us how...

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God. (Lk.4:18-19)
He has sent me to comfort all who mourn, and bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. (Is.61:1-4)

Jesus went around undoing the effects of the destruction brought to the world by the sinful nature of mankind. Everywhere he went he bound up the brokenhearted and loosed the captives. And he told us we could do the same.

We can undo the damage!

He taught that whatever we chose to loose on earth, would also be loosed in heaven. That is not only astounding, it is very simple!

Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matt.16:19)

Of the billions on earth, Christ’s redeemed are the only people with the authority to bind and loose the devastation caused by the sin of mankind! What a tremendous privilege! Is there a problem in your home, your work, your country? You can take the problem to heaven, bind the cause of the damage and then loose the captives into freedom from devastation.

This whole world is waiting for the children of God to reveal the freedom we have from the bondage of destruction.

For creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Rom.8:19-23)

If you’ve ever wondered about your call or what Christ wants you to do with your life, this is it! If you have ever wondered how to stand against the evil raging around us, this is it! And what better time for the children of God to be revealed than Christmas.

The WAR against Christmas

Though the world rages against all things Christian, it seems particularly upset with Christmas. The replacement of Christ's name with an 'X' or a different word, the emphasis on replacing 'Merry Christmas' with 'Happy Holidays' and the current trend of labelling our precious celebrations 'pagan', are all part of the tearing down of Christianity.

An impossible task!

For the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Hab.2:14)

The worldwide celebration of Christmas is the physical manifestation of the above verse. Every year at Christmas the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord crosses land and sea to unite people from every people, tribe and nation as we spread the powerful message of Salvation to the ends of the earth.

This is God's work - and the world can't stop it!

God himself has ordained this glory, for Christmas contains the whole Gospel message, presented in such a way that even children can understand. Even adults who would never darken the doors of a church, love this message and participate.

The message starts with birth of Christ and ends with his return as King and Judge. It's not just about the Nativity, but is also about his promises, laid out so clearly for us in the Book of Revelation.

Santa Claus is an analogy!

There is so much nonsense written about the origins of Santa Claus, but we only need to look at what he is known for to see the one he represents. It is not Satan. It is Christ!

Santa's allegorical persona is not pagan, and we can see why when look at the words of his most famous song, "Santa Claus is coming to town", which can be just as easily be titled, "Jesus Christ is coming to town". When it comes to the evangelism of children, this song is the perfect tool for every Christian parent. The Santa game is fun, but children need to know whom Santa really represents.

Who is really coming to town?

Who really sees us when we’re sleeping?

Who’s really keeping a naughty and nice list?

Who’s really bringing gifts to those who are good?

Who’s really going to put on a great feast?

Who's really going to give us crowns to wear?

Who has an unlimited number of willing helpers at his beck and call?

Everything about the folklore tale of Santa Claus reflects the power and authority of the unstoppable return of Christ as Judge and King laid out for us in the Book of Revelation.

Our Saviour is coming back,

He is the one who sees us awake or asleep,

He is writing names in his Book of Life,

When he returns, he will bring rewards,

When he returns, there will be a great feast,

He will give out crowns of victory,

He has billions of angels at his beck and call.

Remembering Christ's humble birth and his anticipated return as a glorious and powerful King is something every child should be taught, and every Christian should cherish.

Christmas makes that explanation easy!

When we literally sit down to a Christmas feast, when we literally give one another gifts, when we put on paper crowns and talk about who has been naughty or nice, we are physically entering into the promise of Christ's return.

Further, when we put up decorations and enter into the physical outward expression of Christmas joy, we are reminding the world of the great power of the ongoing and unstoppable message of Christ, Saviour of the world, Eternal King and Mighty Judge.

CHRIST has made ALL things NEW!

It makes no difference to God if anything was previously pagan or offered to idols for in Christ ALL things are made new. The former meanings and traditions have passed away and faith in Christ has given them new meaning and new life.

Therefore concerning the eating of the things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no God except one. (1Cor. 8:4)

No one remembers the old pagan practices anymore, because they have been swallowed up by faith in Christ. These days, the whole world knows the reason we celebrate Christmas!

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come! (2 Cor.5:17)

Old traditions such as tree decorating and putting up lights have been captured and brought into the service of the great and powerful King of Kings. They now represent Christ.

Christmas is the outward celebration of the whole Gospel!

When we literally sit down to a Christmas feast, give one another gifts, put on paper crowns and talk about who has been naughty or nice, we are physically entering into the promise of Christ's return.

Further, when we put up decorations and enter into the physical outward expression of Christmas joy, we are reminding the world of the great power of the ongoing and unstoppable message of Christ, Saviour of the world, Eternal King and Mighty Judge.

Christmas is powerfully confronting!

Our annual celebrations of Christ at Christmas challenge the world to consider the message of Christ and what he claims is good or evil, naughty or nice, and that's not something that many want to think about. For that reason alone, Christmas is under forceful attack.

Does this mean we should stop putting up trees and lights, singing carols, giving gifts, sending cards, having family feasts, wearing paper crowns and entering into the joy of the Lord? Absolutely not! It is God's will and stated desire that 'knowledge of the Glory of the Lord' would fill the entire earth. That's what our celebrations of Christmas do - fill the entire earth with the Glory of the Lord.

When the world wants to devastate the testimony of Christ and tear down Christianity, Christ gives his people the authority and power to work in the opposite spirit, bind up the destruction and renew the ruined cities.

So let's throw ourselves into the combined joyful witness of Christians around the world and unashamedly glorify Christ this year and every year. Let's take back what Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy. Let's openly and joyfully celebrate the Glory of our Lord.

Merry Christmas!



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