Should Christians Tithe?
Tithing can be controversial and confronting, almost a forbidden topic in some places, and so without discussion the purpose of tithing can remain hidden.
It is generally (wrongfully) regarded as the giving of money, and those who question it are often dismissed as being greedy or tight, yet this is totally beside the point. Tithing is not about money! Tithing has never been about money.
Tithing has always been about forgiveness!
The primary purpose of the tithe was to pay for sin. Under the Old Covenant, there could be no sacrifice for sin, and therefore no forgiveness of sin, without tithing.
That's why tithes were collected, so sacrifices could be made by priests to atone for the sin of the people; for without atonement, they would not be blessed. Their crops would not be blessed, their land would not be blessed, their homes, families, children, animals and incomes would not be blessed.
Their forgiveness, and the blessing attached to forgiveness, depended on the quality of the tithe they gave. It had to be the best or it would be rejected by God. If they didn't give their best, instead of blessing, their land, homes, crops and families would receive God's curse.
That truth, in itself, answered many questions about the validity of tithing today, particularly among those who say they believe Christ was the last sacrifice for sin, and believe their sins were forgiven by His perfect sacrifice.
But that was just the beginning!
The Scriptures, in both the Old and New Testaments, give us very good reason to question the current practice of tithing and none of the reasons found have anything to do with money. Please consider:
Was tithing practiced by Christ and his disciples?
Was it part of the role of the early church?
Is sowing and reaping the same as tithing?
Are Christians blessed if they tithe?
Are Christians cursed if they don't tithe?
Did Christ's sacrifice fulfill the law of the tithe?
Was Abraham's tithe outside the law?
Why did Cain and Abel tithe?
Did Christ replace tithing with something better?
Does tithing deny the sacrifice of Christ?
Is God insulted when Christians tithe?
Can tithing harm my relationship with God?
Those questions are all researched and answered in this small eBook, but the gem among them was finding that Christ himself taught us to replace the tithe with something better.
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